Spicy Femdom Romance Books – Part 1

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Femdom romance, a subgenre that explores relationships where women take on the dominant role, offers readers a captivating journey into the world of love, control, vulnerability, and intimacy. This collection of 18 spicy femdom romance books—featuring both M/F pairings and Sapphic pairings—is a testament to the diverse narratives and tantalizing stories that await anyone eager to explore a break in society’s gender roles and the empowering aspects of women-led dominance.

(Legal disclaimer: The links in this post are affiliate links to Amazon. I earn a tiny commission if you use them, however, this doesn’t cost anything extra for you. But it does help you support me ❤️ If you don’t wish to shop at the ‘Zon, be sure to search other retailers for the wide authors included.)

A grid layout displaying the spicy femdom romances by Anna Stone, Tasha L. Harrison, Rebekah Weatherspoon, Torrance Sené, Meka James, and Tamara Earthsong.
A grid layout displaying the spicy femdom romances by Shannon Elliot, Sara Cate, Cynthia Dane, Daisy Jane, Katrina Jackson, and Heather Guerre.
A grid layout displaying the spicy femdom romances by Alexandria Bellefleur, Adora Crooks, G.L. Tomas, Megan Hart, Eve Dangerfield, and Eden Emory.

Whether you’re a seasoned fan or a newcomer to spicy femdom romance, this list promises an array of engaging reads that celebrate the strength, sensuality, and allure of dominant women in love. Be sure to do your due diligence and check each author’s website for content notes and trigger warnings prior to reading! Come back next month for part 2 of this list 😊

Post by Torrance Sené

Torrance Sené, a demisexual bisexual, resides in the southeast US and often dreams of living on the beach. When not writing, she can usually be found feeding her addictions to tea, planners, Marvel, and books. She also writes under the pen name Cassie Donoghue.

Get a copy her book Carnal for free here!

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